The last decade of research has served to establish biotechnology as an emerging sector that provides opportunities for strong investment growth. The discovery of new drugs for out licensing to the pharmaceutical industry is a focus of many new companies researching into novel drugs, which is currently changing the way the biomedical industry supply chain works.
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At the BBI, we want to be at the vanguard of innovation, as much as in delivering business education in biomedical research. That is why the Discover & Transfer programme supports technology transfer opportunities in drug discovery.
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Taught by some of the leading professionals in theirs fields, ours programmes rely on our particular strength, such as international business development, interactions between academia with the pharma & biotech sectors and our expertise in drug discovery.
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Their new skills will allow our students with their qualifications to work in different roles and responsibilities in biotech companies, consultancies, pharmaceutical companies, technology transfer offices from hospital and research centres. These are some of the example companies where our students are currently working.
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Executive MBA (online)
• International EMBA in Life Sciences
Postgraduate Diplomas (online)
• Biotechnology Based Companies
• Global Pharmaceutical Industry
• Innovation & Research Management
On Campus