Roxana Aispuro

Roxana Aispuro

Partner Patents and Tech Transfer at BC&B, cdmx, Mexico

She holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) and a Law Degree from the Universidad Intercontinental (UIC). She has a Master's Degree in Science in Bioprocesses, carried out at the Interdisciplinary Professional Unit of Biotechnology (UPIBI) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). In 2018 he obtained the title of Specialty in Strategic Management of Innovation and Industrial Property at the Center for Economic, Administrative and Social Research of the National Polytechnic Institute. He is CLP (Certified Licensing Professional) certified.

Since 2011 she has been part of BC&B where she is currently Of Counsel and Leader of the Technology Transfer Office, focusing her practice on activities of defining strategies for the protection of inventions and technologies, drafting and filing of applications for industrial property rights, technology promotion, evaluation and valuation of technologies for transfer purposes, Technical analysis of patents, technological intelligence studies, development of business plans for technology transfer, preparation of technology transfer agreements and strategic knowledge management.

She has given courses and talks related to general topics of intellectual property, protection, industrial secrets, evaluation and valuation of technologies and technology transfer. She has also written articles related to the same subjects. She is authorized and registered as an External Training Agent by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare to give courses and training in intellectual property, knowledge management and technology transfer.

She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Network of Technology Transfer Offices Mexico (RED OTT Mexico A.C.) where she serves as Secretariat. She is also a member of the Licensing Executives Society (LESI) through its Mexican chapter (LES Mexico) and is also a member of the Mexican Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AMPPI).

The Worldwide Business School for Life Sciences

Barcelona Campus

Barcelona Scientific Park
Baldiri Reixac St., 4-8, 08028, Barcelona

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Cambridge Campus

The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge Science Park
184, Milton Road, CB4 0GA, Cambridge

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Mexico Campus

World Trade Center CDMX, Montecito 38,
Col. Nápoles, 03810, Mexico City

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In educational collaboration agreement for the development of the Global MBAs

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